Saturday, July 29, 2017

Lateral Moves

Ok, so this is gonna sound counter-intuitive, but I'm changing jobs. You know what JOB is an acronym for? Just Over Broke. And I'm changing mine. You may as "Who does this guy think he is, telling us about getting rich, and he's still working?" or something to that effect. Well, I just couldn't see myself unloading trailers any more, so I found a job where I can just drop & hook and drive. No, I am not a success yet, but I have the desire and the will to make it happen. Do you?

Remember the Big Kahuna I was talking about? Well, the ocean is starting to shift and swell, and that big wave is getting ready, so don't get left behind on this thing.  I can assure you, that I am ALL IN on becoming rich with this program, even if I don't know all the nuts & bolts techie stuff just yet. That stuff will come, you just need the hunger and desire to go get it. Will it be easy? No, no one said it would, but nothing in life worth having is easy.

If you are serious about joining me and my team, please sign up on my mailing list. You will receive a link to a very special video which will describe this incredible opportunity for you.
Do you want to be your own boss, and get off those dangerous highways? Think about it. Wouldn't your family appreciate it if you were around more often? Wouldn't you love to have a business that runs all by itself, cranking out cash for you, while you're on the lake fishing or watching your kids play? That's what we have here

As for me, I will work this new job until I can afford to quit trucking for good, and that day can't come soon enough, no offense guys and gals. That's just how I feel.

More soon,


Friday, July 21, 2017

I'm Baaaack!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I know I've been gone for a while. I got injured back in February of 2011, and was laid up for over a year. It was not a happy time in my life, but it made me look at my future and make some hard decisions. Then I got involved with a business that ultimately failed, and I wound up losing a lot of money.
Did you choose trucking, or did trucking choose you? I know for a lot of you reading this, trucking chose you: It is in your blood, you were born to drive, and couldn't see yourself doing anything else.
To these people I say "God Bless You."

However, there are those of you like me who chose trucking. For me, it was a means to an end. I learned how to drive a big rig, got my CDL, and went to work. I made a decent living at it, put food on the family table, and kept a roof over our heads. Sure, I made a few mistakes along the way, but I'd say I've done a pretty good job But unloading trailers over the last 15 years has taken its toll on my body, and I'm looking to get out. The roads are getting more and more dangerous from where I sit.

Let me make something clear: I am not trying to convince you to quit your job or get out of trucking.
On the contrary, we need good drivers out there. Maybe you know someone who is unhappy with their life, perhaps a friend or relative, maybe even your wife. Maybe someone is not living up to their full potential. It is to those people that this site speaks.

The business that I'm going to show you costs peanuts to join, gives you not only one-on-one tutoring, but you become part of a team of like-minded small business owners who are willing and able to help you achieve success. They come from all walks of life, and are from all over the world. The one thing we all have in common is the desire to help each other out.

So please accept this gift from me as a token of friendship, a welcome handshake if you will. Just put your name and email in the box and I will send you the free ebook "Web Marketing For Dummies," a 400 page guide worth $40.  Then, when the time is right, I will unveil this new program to you. Keep in touch with me. I am  all over the interwebs, and together we will make each other rich.

More soon,
