Monday, November 24, 2008


Hello, again!

I know it has been a while - like I said before, I'm running out of B.S. Anyway, I'm thankful for a lot this year: the usual, life, my family, I'm gainfully employed, still relatively healthy, etc. I am also thankful (as most of the truckers reading this should be) that fuel prices have dropped. I can't tell you how tired I became of all the bitching and whining about the government, market manipulation, the Arabs, etc. over the last several months, so hopefully the truckers in the forums will find something else to moan about. I mean, look, I could complain about my job: being way-laid at the cheese plant for 4 frickin' hours, the oncoming cold, my company's policy about idling, to name a few, but, in the end it really doesn't help matters. I've found that bitching and moaning only creates more problems, such as hurt feelings and bad attitudes, so I try not to as much as possible.

I just go on doing what I do, cruising down the road at my governed 62mph on cruise, and watch all the dipshits fly past. I don't care any more. As I've said before, I kind of glad I don't use a CB radio, because I'd probably be cussing these morons out, generating, yes, hurt feelings and bad attitudes. See how that works? I still do my Wisconsin route on Tues/Wed and now I'm going to Indiana on Fri/Sat. It's ok, I mean, I thought heading south might be a nice change, now that the cold weather is coming on, but it's really not far enough south to make much of a difference, so, what are ya gonna do? Sometimes I think I'm surrounded by idiots: by that I mean, people who can't or won't do their job the right way. Unlike a lot of truckers, my job is dependent on others doing their jobs properly. So, when the warehouse goofballs screw up a load, or even the office girls don't get the paperwork right, it kinda pisses me off. But, like I said, I'm starting not to give a shit any more. I guess I'm a little bit jaded, I dunno...

Back to what I'm thankful for: like I mentioned, my job is secure. Even in these tough economic times, people will still go for cheap grub, and as long as they do, my employment is safe. My company is going gangbusters; it's quite a phenomenon, and I've yet to figure it out. My car is running, yay! I had to spend about $800 to completely overhaul the brakes, and now I need to focus on the emissions because my registration is almost up, so more money will be going into the Neon, but it runs! Now, my daughter, who is only weeks away from obtaining her license, is startng to prod me about a car for her. Hmmmmm.

I started this blog two years ago now, amazing how time gets by you. I want to thank those of you who have taken the time to read my rantings & ravings. See, more to be thankful for. I've discovered, perhaps too late, but better late than never, that this life (even on the internet, where you can be mostly anonymous) is all about people. I have never been a "people" person, so it has been difficult for me to come to grips with. But I'm getting there, slowly but surely, and trying to be more understanding and tolerant of others. It's not always easy, with all the self-centeredness (euphemism) out there, but you do your best. The holidays seem particularly stressful, with crowds pushing and shoving, the commercialism of Christmas, and so forth. But you just have to keep on keeping on, for better or worse, and, with faith and purpose, you'll eventually get to where God wants you to be.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it...

More soon (?)
