Sunday, December 7, 2008

Early Chill

Hello, again!

It's early December, and we've already had a couple of snow storms here in Chicago. Today is Sunday, the 7th, and our high temperature is going to be about 19. Brrrrr! It's too damn early for this crap! Back in the deep freeze, already? You gotta be kiddin' me! It's almost a carbon-copy of last year (so far, at least). Let's just hope we don't get the snowfall like last year. I mean, I'm not in Madison this year, Thank God, but still, this is a bit ridiculous.

It wouldn't be so bad, except for the fact my company won't allow us do idle the truck unless in the berth. Shit, I do it anyway. I consider it a safety issue, and will not compromise when it comes to safety. I've heard that the company would rather pay however much for a jump start, rather than waste the fuel. Is that crazy, or what? What they don't realize, however, is that you have to sit and wait, in a frozen cab, for who knows how long, for the tow truck or jumpstart guy to come out, and that is not comfortable at all. It's downright dangerous.

So, what do you do? Just have to suck it up, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Am I going to have to file a grievance with OSHA? I don't know yet, but I'm prepared to, believe me. Like I said, safety is something I don't compromise on; the company expects me to act in a safe and responsible manner, I think they should have the same obligation.

Time for more long johns.

More soon,
